Current TODO List

The following is an automatically generated list of TODO items from the source code.

Anyone wishing to get involved with the project could well start on implementing a new feature, or address one of these existing TODO items.

The convention to mark a TODO item in the code is the # TODO: prefix, followed by HIGH, MED, LOW which is a very simple indicator of urgency.

  • HIGH are items that should be addressed by the next round of edits / release

  • MED are items that might require some form of re-design to be applied and require more long-term thinking.

  • LOW are items that would be good to have at some point in the future but are not immediately required to deliver a specific piece of functionality.

The following list has been produced with the doc/ script and is formatted in the standard egrep -Hn output format.

Specific Items

TODO List as of Mon Jul 17 13:20:20 UTC 2023
../pymotifcounter/ TODO: MID, Add a named parameter here to enable saving the ctx variable of a run, down to a file if required.
../pymotifcounter/ TODO: HIGH, this needs exception handling for timeout
../pymotifcounter/ TODO: HIGH, if the process returns an error, this error should be piped up as an exception
../pymotifcounter/ TODO: MID, The parser --> DataFrame is pretty standard by now, should be incorporated in the standard round-trip
../pymotifcounter/ TODO: LOW, Consider abstracting some standard pyparsing definitions as they could be useful for many parsers.
../pymotifcounter/ TODO: HIGH, Make sure that the float can parse just integer part too and it becomes "Numeric".
../pymotifcounter/ TODO: HIGH, Check which fields are percentages and make sure this is denoted in the output
../pymotifcounter/ TODO: LOW, Revise the parser so that it only has one root level.
../pymotifcounter/ TODO: HIGH, The conversion can be performed more automatically through pandas rather than a loop
../pymotifcounter/ TODO: MID, Give a common name across all inputs and outputs
../pymotifcounter/ TODO: MID, Provide a way for parameters to be accessed as attributes or keys and preferably in a unified way
../pymotifcounter/ TODO: LOW, Consider abstracting these two somehow as these definitions will be useful for every parser.
../pymotifcounter/ TODO: LOW, Revise the parser so that it only has one root level.
../pymotifcounter/ TODO: HIGH, The conversion can be performed more automatically through pandas rather than a loop
../pymotifcounter/ TODO: HIGH, Use float_num to parse the rest of the sections and offer them as additional columns
../pymotifcounter/ TODO: LOW, Revise the parser so that it only has one root level.
../pymotifcounter/ TODO: HIGH, The conversion can be performed more automatically through pandas rather than a loop
../pymotifcounter/ TODO: MID, Check to see if the "directedness" of the algorithm could depend on the networkx.Graph at the input so that the parameter value is set automatically.