Detailed Examples

The source code in the following code examples can be copied right from this page by looking for the clipboard image at the top right-hand corner of the source code box.

Basic Use

  • The following example is functional with all counters currently supported by PyMotifCounter.

  • To try out another counter, exchange PyMotifCounterMfinder for one of PyMotifCounterNetMODE, PyMotifCounterFanmod, PyMotifCounterPgd

Visualise the distribution of size-3 motifs.

from pymotifcounter.concretecounters import PyMotifCounterMfinder
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from networkx import watts_strogatz_graph

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Create an example network
    g = watts_strogatz_graph(100, 8, 0.2)
    # Create a motif counter based on mfinder
    motif_counter = PyMotifCounterMfinder()
    # Enumerate motifs using the selected counter
    g_mtf_count = motif_counter(g)
    # Visualise the distribution"motif_id", "nreal")
Motif distribution of size 3

Distribution of fully connected motifs of size 3 for a given network.

Parameter values and aliases

  • To change a parameter value, address it by its name, just as it would appear in the command line.

  • Different authors are using different variable names to refer to the same entity. For example, motif size might be known as s in one algorithm but k in another. PyMotifCounter has Parameter Aliases so you can simply use motif_size and it will be translated to whatever the underlying algorithm uses.

  • Let’s visualise the motif distribution of size 4 and 5 motifs here:

Visualise the distribution of size-k motifs, for k \in {4,5}.

from pymotifcounter.concretecounters import PyMotifCounterMfinder
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from networkx import watts_strogatz_graph

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Create an example network
    g = watts_strogatz_graph(100, 8, 0.2)
    # Create a motif counter based on mfinder
    motif_counter = PyMotifCounterMfinder()
    # The default value of parameter motif-size is 3.
    # Let's change it to 4
    motif_counter.get_parameter("s").value = 4
    # Produce the enumeration
    g_mtf_4_count = motif_counter(g)

    # mfinder calls the motif_size (s) but NetMODE calls it
    # (k). If you change enumerator to NetMODE, this code will
    # raise an exception.
    # BUT!!!
    # Semantically common variables for all algorithms can be addressed
    # with common names.
    # Notice here how motif size is changed to 5.
    motif_counter.get_parameter("motif_size").value = 5
    # Produce the enumeration
    g_mtf_5_count = motif_counter(g)

    # Visualise distributions
    sb_ax = plt.subplot(211)
    plt.title("Motif size 4 distribution.")"motif_id", "nreal", ax=sb_ax)

    sb_ax = plt.subplot(212)
    plt.title("Motif size 5 distribution.")"motif_id", "nreal", ax=sb_ax)
Motif distribution for the classes of size 4 and size 5 fully connected motifs

Motif distributions for motifs of size 4 and size 5.

Inspecting the available parameters

  • To get a quick human-readable overview of the parameters of a given counter, use the show_parameters() function.

  • Suppose that you work on the command line or within a Jupyter notebook and notice that a new motif counter is now accessible via PyMotifCounter.

  • To get a human readable overview of the supported parameters, you can:

# First of all, let's import a counter
from pymotifcounter.concretecounters import PyMotifCounterMfinder

# Let's construct a counter instance (the instance is constructed with
# sensible default values for all of its parameters)
motif_counter = PyMotifCounterMfinder()

# Now, let's get a human readable form of all of its parameters:
hrf = motif_counter.show_parameters()

# Printing out the elements of the ``hrf`` list will result
# in a nicely printed human readable form of the parameters
for an_hrf in hrf:

This would return:

    Help String       :Input network is a non-directed network
    Required          :Optional
    Default value     :False
    Current value     :False
    Validation state  :Valid
    Is flag           :Yes
    Help String       :Number of random networks to generate
    Required          :Mandatory
    Default value     :0
    Current value     :0
    Validation state  :Valid

    Help String       :Motif size to search
    Required          :Mandatory
    Default value     :3
    Current value     :3
    Validation state  :Valid

You can also get the human readable form of any parameter via the get_parameter() function too, like this:

# Continuing from the previous session

Visualising motifs

  • Motif IDs translate to the adjacency matrix of the subgraph they describe.

  • PyMotifCounter contains a function that can return that adjacency matrix for any further use.

  • One of those uses might be to actually visualise the motif subgraph. Let’s do that here:

Visualise a motif's graph, given its ID.

from pymotifcounter.util import motif_id_to_adj_mat
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import networkx

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Get the adjacency matrix of a motif given its ID and the size
    # of its "motif class".
    # Here, we are trying to visualise motif 98 from the class of
    # fully connected motifs of size 3.
    motif_6_a = motif_id_to_adj_mat(98, 3)

    # From here onwards, use standard networkx functions
    # to visualise the motif subgraph
    motif_g = networkx.from_numpy_array(motif_6_a,

Motif 98 from the s 3 class, a directed 3-cycle

Motif 98, from the class of fully connected motifs of size 3 is a directed 3-cycle.

Creating input files

  • If you have a large number of networks available, you can still use PyMotifCounter components to prepare them for motif analysis by one of the supported algorithms.

  • Suppose for instance that you have a number of networks that were generated by some algorithm or were instantiated into neworkx objects via one of the formats that networkx supports.

  • To prepare a directory of input files for data processing (e.g. with mfinder), you could:

Creates data for a small population of networks
from two structural classes: Small-World and Random networks.

from pymotifcounter.concretecounters import (PyMotifCounterInputTransformerMfinder,
import networkx

N_NETWORKS = 3  # Number of networks in each class
N_NODES = 100   # Number of nodes in each network
K_AVERAGE = 8   # Average node degree

# The active transformer determines the format.
# This example saves the networks in the format expected by mfinder
# Assign the ACTIVE_TRANSFORMER to one of the other imported
# transformers to change the format.
ACTIVE_TRANSFORMER = PyMotifCounterInputTransformerMfinder

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Prepare N_NETWORKS small-world networks
    networks = [networkx.watts_strogatz_graph(N_NODES,
                for k in range(0, N_NETWORKS)]

    # Prepare N_NETWORKS random networks
    networks += [networkx.watts_strogatz_graph(N_NODES,
                 for k in range(0, N_NETWORKS)]

    # Write everything to THE CURRENT WORKING DIRECTORY in
    # the format expected by mfinder
    for a_net_id, a_network in enumerate(networks):

Parsing existing motif counts

  • If you have a directory full of output files from one of the supported algorithms, you can still get the enumerations as pandas data frames.

  • In this example, it is assumed that mfinder has been executed over the files produced by this example. You can do this manually, or by using a very simple bash script like:

    # A very simple bash script to apply mfinder over a
    # population of network files in a directory
    for a_file in `ls net_data_*`; do
        mfinder $a_file -s 3 -r 0 -f ${a_file}_motif_count

    Notice here: input files are prefixed by net_data_ and output files end in _motif_count.

  • To parse the results for further analysis using PyMotifCounter components:

Reads motif counts for a small population of motif count results.
from pymotifcounter.concretecounters import (PyMotifCounterOutputTransformerMfinder,
import glob

# The active transformer determines the format.
# This example reads networks in the format expected by mfinder.
# Assign the ACTIVE_TRANSFORMER to one of the other imported
# transformers to change the format.
ACTIVE_TRANSFORMER = PyMotifCounterOutputTransformerMfinder

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Obtain a sorted list of result files from the disk
    network_files = sorted(glob.glob("net_data_*_motif_count"),
                           key=lambda x: int(x.replace("net_data_", "").replace("_motif_count", "")))

    # Convert their counts to data frames.
    result_dataframes = []
    for a_net_id, a_network in enumerate(network_files):

Using a locally available binary

If you already have one of the supported binaries installed on your system, you can pass its absolute location to the constructor using the parameter binary_location:

motif_counter = PyMotifCounterMfinder(binary_location="/some/path/to/mfinder")